пятница, 11 декабря 2020 г.


October 19, 2020

Кружок по теме:

"Modern Technological Elements in British Architecture" 

    The following English-hobby-club was hold in 19 October, 2020. The participants were the 2nd -year undergraduates of Faculty IT. Ten from 15 students showed up that day. They were given a task to make presentations on the issues "Different Types of Technology Used in British Art Museums, Churches and Palaces" or "Modern Technological Elements in British Architecture". 
    Those students who were making a speech at the interactive board were ready with video and images presentations and handwritten reports beforehand. 
    Other students were listening to them and asking various questions. Actually, both students and me, their lecturer, were asking questions to a presenter of the report. 
    To sum up, the lecturer made a final speech and thanked the students for praiseworthy reports.

Participants: 2nd-year undergraduates

1) Руслан Абдуллаев

2) Агасбег Агасбеков

3) Даниял Адуков

4) Сурен Базаев

5) Патимат Магомедова

6) Гульнара Магомедова

7) Рагима Исаева

8) Азамат Кадыров

9) Рамазан Джанаев

10) Вагид Гусейнов

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