Dear sophomores of the Math's faculty:
Here you can see the topics for your presentation in the exam:
1. Antonio Meucci
2. Guglielmo Marconi
3. Tim Berners-Lee
4. Nicola Tesla
5. Rene Descartes
6. Pierre de Ferma
7. Norbert Wiener
8. Gottfried Lebniz
9. Lobachevsky N.I.
10. Alan Turing
11. Bill Gates
12. Andrey Kolmagorov
Here you can see the topics for your presentation in the exam:
1. Antonio Meucci
2. Guglielmo Marconi
3. Tim Berners-Lee
4. Nicola Tesla
5. Rene Descartes
6. Pierre de Ferma
7. Norbert Wiener
8. Gottfried Lebniz
9. Lobachevsky N.I.
10. Alan Turing
11. Bill Gates
12. Andrey Kolmagorov
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