четверг, 12 ноября 2015 г.


HERE you can see the last part of the topic "HEALTH"

PART III. IDIOMS about Health

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following idioms.
  • be back on your feet - ...
  • look the picture of health - ...
  • under the knife - ...
  • as white as a sheet - ...
  • as fit as a fiddle - ...
  • clean bill of health - ...
II. Match the Idioms on the left to the definitions on the right.

1. under the knife                                      a. (healthy and strong)
2. clean bill of health                                 b. (assured by the doctor to be in good health)
3. as white as a sheet                               c. (become healthy after being sick)
4. as fit as a fiddle                                     d. (pale)
5. be back on your feet                             e. (look very healthy)
6. look the picture of health                       f.
(have a medical operation)

III. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct idiom.

1. Many women chose to go  for a face-lift.

2. Only people with a  can donate blood.

3. He turned  and passed out.

4. Exercise if you want to be .

5. The doctor promised you’d  just a few weeks after this operation.

6. Though these children  they have been through a psychological trauma. 

HOPE, YOU'll your best. 

LUCK, guys!



                                                      PART II.   PHRASAL VERBS

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrasal verbs:
  • ask after - ...
  • come down with - ...
  • spread out - ...
  • fight off - ...
  • get over - ... 
  • clog up - ...
  • lets up - ...
II. Match the phrasal verbs on the right to the definitions on the left.
1.     come down with                  a. (make them go away)
2.     ask after                             b. (become ill)
3.     clog up                                c. (stops)        
4.     get over                              d. (cover wider area than before)
5.     lets up                                e. (block)
6.     spread out                           f. (ask for information, e.g. health)
7.     fight off                              g. (recover from)

III. Choose the best verb to complete the sentence.

1. Many infants  an ear infection even before their first birthday.

2. She came to  the health of her elderly neighbor who lived alone.

3. High fat foods can  our arteries. 

4. Healthy people can  the flu by resting and drinking lots of fluids for a few days.

5. A cold continues at its peak for several days, then it gradually .

6. Chickenpox is a virus that can  quickly over the entire body.

7. The human body’s immune defenses usually viruses.

WISH YOU BEST LUCK, undergrads!!! ldkg;ldk

We are doing Unit 1 "My Family" and try to learn some phrases about "Health problems"
Here is the extra information on the topic.

Part I.           Collocations

a) Look at the collocations on the topic "Health". Look up them in the English-Russian dictionary. 

1. teary eyes - ...
2. blood transfusion - ...
3. alternative medicine treatment - ...
4. life expectancy - ...
5. catching a cold - ...
6. disease outbreak - ...
7. stuffy nose - ...
8. husky voice - ...

b) Complete the sentences to do the quiz.

1.  , the age until which a person is expected to live, depends on wealth, gender, and ethnicity.

2. A  may be needed to replace blood lost in an accident or in surgery. 

3. The use of herbs and acupuncture are some of the  for back pains.

4. The public health officials have to prevent the  from spreading further.

5. The flu, colds and allergies may all cause a person to develop a  and .

6. Washing hands frequently can prevent .

7. The symptoms of croup, a virus that attacks breathing passages, are a barking cough and a .


среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

Big Ben
Dear sophomores,

Here are some subjects for your independent work named "Places of Interests of London".

You have to pick up any of them and get ready for the next lesson.

1. The Tower of London.
2. Westminster Abby
3. St.Pauls's Cathedral
4. the English channel
Ferry's Wheel
5. The Thames
6. Ferry's Wheel 
7. Big Ben
8. Trafalgar Square
9. Strait of Dover
10. Madam Tussaud's museum
Trafalgar Square