суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г.

FRESHMEN, study the following idioms and proverbs   about the time

Время и часы в английских идиомах

1. He is like a clock - Он точный / пунктуальный, как часы.
2. (a)round the clock (at) all hours - круглосуточно,  круглые сутки
3. They are eating up / killing the clock - амер.; спорт. .Они тянут время
4. Her face would stop a clock - У нее очень некрасивое лицо
5. I'd like to turn (or put) back the clock - Я хотела бы повернуть время назад
6. it beats my time - это выше моего понимания
7. it is only a question of time - разг. это просто вопрос времени
8. Take your time! - не спешите!
9. Next time lucky - следующий раз повезет
10. up to the minute phone - ультрасовременный телефон
11. The alarm clock goes off on the half hour - Будильник звенит каждые полчаса
12. It will last for hours on end  - Это будет длиться без конца.
13. I usually keep late hours at work - Я обычно сижу допоздна на работе.
14. It's my finest hour - Это мой звёздный час
15. rush hour - час-пик
16. ungodly hour - неурочный час

Время в английских пословицах и поговорках
1. One cannot put back the clock. 
Прошлого не воротишь.

2. Lost time is never found again. 
Потерянного времени не вернёшь.

3. A stitch in time saves nine.
Один стежок, но вовремя, стоит девяти.

4. Time is money.
Время - деньги.

5. Procrastination is the thief of time.
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

6. Take time by the forelock.
Куй железо, пока горячо.

7. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
Утро вечера мудренее.

Dear freshmen, 
get ready for the test about DAILY ROUTINES:

Daily Activities: Verbs (1)

1. Every morning, I have to ......... up at 7:00 am.
2. After I get out of bed, I go into the bathroom and ......... my teeth.
3. After that, I ......... a shower. I really like to have hot showers in the morning.
4. Then, I go into the kitchen and ......... some coffee.
5. After my morning coffee, I make and ......... my breakfast.
6. After breakfast, I ......... the newspaper for about 20 minutes.
7. After that, I get into my car and ......... to work.
8. I ......... work at about 9:00 am. This is when I actually begin working at the office.
9. At about 12:30 pm, I ......... lunch with my co-workers. I usually take a one-hour lunch break.
10. Then, I work for the rest of the day. My shift ......... at about 5:30 pm. This is when I finish work and I can go home for the day.

11. I am a student and I have to ......... up at 7:00 am every day.
12. Then, I ......... ready for school by showering and eating breakfast.
13. I walk to the bus stop after that. I catch and ......... by bus for about 30 minutes.
14. When I finally ......... to school, I take the elevator to my first class. It's on the third floor of the nursing building.
15. I ......... out of that class 90 minutes later. Then, I have to go to my other classes until lunch time.
16. I ......... a lunch break at about 1:00 pm. This is when I meet my college buddies and we eat lunch together in the college cafeteria.
17. After lunch, I go to the computer lab and ......... my emails on the school computer.
18. Then, I ......... my homework in the library. I usually spend about an hour on that and then I have to go to my next class.
19. My classes end at about 5:00 pm. That's when I'm able to ......... home for the day.
20. When I finally get home, I have supper. Then, I usually ......... the material we covered in my classes for the next two to three hours. I have to do this in order to get good grades.


DEAR freshmen, 

We study telling the time ...
Read some extra information below ...

Посмотрите видео, пройдя по ссылкам (они указаны ниже)

Время на английском языке. Часы на английском. Как ответить сколько время или который час?
Основной вопрос, который вам могут задать в значении "сколько время" или "который час" - What time is it (now)? или What's the time?

среда, 26 ноября 2014 г.

DEAR sophomores,

doing unit 6 "PLANS for the FUTURE"

1) you have to look through two pages in Moodle with idioms about working (1) and (2)
learn them by heart plus examples. (11 sentences.)

2) learn phrasal verbs with the verb "pick" from tne book "Step by Step". (16 sentences.) 

3) Totally 27 sentences.

Good luck.